The Pianarosa Library
The University of Bonn
Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies (IOA)
Department of Asian and Islamic Art History
Adenauerallee 10
53113 Bonn, Germany

A note for the reader: I'm not affiliated in any way with the IOA of Bonn (Germany). This page stands as a simple link to the library named after the late scholar and bibliophile P. Pianarosa (1949-2010) whose help and inspiration were invaluable in my life and my asiatic studies.

2 commenti:

  1. hello mister Fukuzo, i liked your post on Kuji, could you please give me the names of the works of Miyake 宮家, Fukui 福井, Sakai 酒井 or their full names, id love to pre research kuji kiri more before i travel to Japan. or if possible if i can take contact with you via facebook or something

    1. Dear mr. Bagirov,
      the first scholar is named Miyake Hitoshi and you can find more information at the following link:宮家準

      The others are: Fukui Fumimasa 福井文雅 and Sakai Tadao 酒井忠夫

      Kujikiri is a rather well known magical device in shugendō and in japanese military texts since XVI century.
      Its roots lie in daoist texts transmitted to japan at various times (especially around XIII c.) albeit none of them show a strict affinity with the expanded rituals known in japan, which add buddhist elements in the form of "goshinpō" found in mikkyō text.
